Friday, June 20, 2008

l'école des projets artistiques (school art projects)

The Leonard Da Vinci Primary School had it's annual l'école des projets artistiques. It was one of the only times of the year we were allowed into the school to see the classrooms & roam the halls. I'm really impressed with the calibre of art instruction. Clara's school class went on numerous "art" field trips including one to the Musee de Orsay! Much of her art focus was on trees. Here she is with her friend and classmate showing off some of their tree scenes.

Much of the art in Olivia's class dealt with the two plays her class did. They painted the scenery & did various scenes based from famous artists. She worked together on projects with other classmates which was a great learning experience.

1 comment:

natalie said...

Lovely art, you are all so talented!