Thursday, June 12, 2008


This year at school Olivia's grade has had an intense focus on the performing arts. They have had many opportunities to attend the theater and see classical pieces like "Candide" and also modern dance programs. The week long Buthiers camp had all kinds of activities dealing with theater. Not only did her French class put on a big production, but the Anglophone (English) section did a show as well.

Last night was the debut of the Anglophone class version of "Cinderella". It was a musical and I thought everyone did a great job. Olivia was one of the "step-mothers"...many children shared each role. For instance there were 4 Cinderellas, 4 step-mothers, 4 princes, etc . Each child wore the same costume to help avoid confusion when a different person came on stage. Olivia had to sing a solo. She really surprised us with her calm yet confident stage presence - she played a "mean" step-mom! Her song sounded fabulous. As the school year closes in on us we are really enjoying these "last performances". It's been a real Cinderella story for our entire family!

The Cast party after the show
Sasha, Rebecca, Anna, Claire, Zoe, Tess, Olivia


natalie said...

Oh fun! Plays are always a blast Olivia, I miss my summer reading buddy! :)

Jen said...

Hi Janet, I hope you don't mind me peeking in on your blog. I found it through Russ and Laura's blog, who are friends with my sister-in-law. Anyway, your family has changed so much, and your kids are adorable! Back when we knew you (Sugarhouse, Edgehill 2nd ward days) Spencer was 7, and Clara Jane was the baby. You look great, and living in France has to be a dream. I hope you are well, and thanks for letting me take a look. - Jen (& Keith) Larsen