Monday, November 26, 2007


My brand new caméra is giving me headaches. This weekend I had planned to take several pictures of the grand Château de Fontainebleau, but my caméra only allowed this very blurry photo. Luckily we live only 15 minutes away from the Château so it will be easy to return and document our favorite rooms and gardens.

The day after we purchased our
caméra we accidentally dropped it and it has never been the same. Alas, the past three months of our journey here have been photoed in blurry form. Lucky for us my sister Valene is coming tomorrow for a visit. We sent her on an errand to purchase another caméra...hope the new one works.


natalie said...

even though your camera's not working, the pictures still look great! i love reading about what you're doing and seeing your pictures!

Steve and Steph said...

Sounds like you guys are having a blast. The pictures are so fun to look at and see what it is like over there. We miss you. Merry Christmas.