Monday, November 19, 2007

Grève (Strike)

Tomorrow morning marks the beginning of the French Grève. All public employees are scheduled to strike against the new government proposal for retirement age limits to be increased beyond age 55. School teachers are required by law to inform parents in advance if they are going on strike. Olivia's teacher will be on strike and all but two of Spencer's teachers will be on strike tomorrow. Clara's teacher is a very sensible and dedicated teacher and rumor has it that she never strikes! This morning when Clara woke up she didn't want to go to school. She posted her notice and we have been informed. Clara is going on strike! We shall see what the morning brings...


Amazed said...

Funny!!! Good luck!

Nancy Bea Miller said...

This is completely adorable! I hope you have saved this piece of paper for posterity. When Clara is a famous labor relations lawyer someday this'll be a great thing to have on hand.