Saturday, November 10, 2007

Firenze (Florence)

Rain dominated our day in Firenze. We didn't have umbrellas when we started out, but thanks to the street vendors we stayed dry. Our GPS system was not working so we followed the Thomas family into the city. At one point we were on a very narrow street. Doug tried to maneuver around a delivery truck and completely took out a parked motorcycle! No damage done. At that point in the journey we were glad to be following. Our main point of interest was Michaelangelo's David statue. Really it was just amazing. We reviewed the story of "David". Lilly wondered really how big Goliath was since David stands a mere 17 feet! The rest of the art in the museum was interesting, but the kids unanimously voted against paintings from the Dark Ages. There is a definite aura of light and life in the Renaissance. We soaked our feet walking across the famous bridge and then we each took a turn rubbing our hands on the brass boar which apparently brings good luck. Taylor introduced the kids to Italian hot chocolate. It's more like pudding than a drink. Nothing like some good sludge to warm your body.

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