Friday, October 26, 2007


"Trick-or-Treating" at the CAB today. There were lots of goblins and witches in Lilly's school class. The class walked over a mile stopping at several homes of children who attend the CAB. As always they traveled in groups of two holding hands with a partner. It was fun to watch the looks of surprised people passing the parade.
At each house the children said in English "Trick-or-Treat give us something good to eat!" Then they sang a song in French:
J'ai pas voulu manger,
La soupe de la sorciere,
C'etait de la soupe de crapaud, berk, berk,
Avec de la bave d'escargot, berk, berk,
Et puis des crottes de chameau, berk, berk.

Madame la sorciere, j'ai pas faim, j'ai pas faim,
Je reviendrai demain!
Lilly's teacher Elisabeth is one of the most patient and kind pre-school teachers I have ever seen. She takes her time with each child, yet maintains an incredible sense of order in her classroom. Now that the fun is over we are packing the car and heading to Northern Italy for a 10 day school holiday!

1 comment:

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Bon voyage! Que vous avez de bonne chance!