Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Les Feuilles (foilage)

Les feuilles des arbres (the leaves of the trees) are changing. I wish I would have had enough foresight to take a photo at the end of summer, beginning of fall, etc of the same place. Changes in nature are subtle. The ferns that cover the forest ground are so amazing. Green then purple and now tan. It's a magical process to watch.
The deeper you walk into the forest the more interesting it becomes. Kind of like people. First encounters are nice, but once you get to know a person and learn about their life they become so much more intriguing. I'm afraid I'm not very intriguing to my Nordic walking group. Today I didn't have a friend to walk with. Several women lagged behind to ask me a question or two, but once I had used up my French vocabulary we basically walked in silence. It wasn't so bad. The forest is peaceful and "les feuilles" are breathtaking.
Lilly has had her own fun in the forest with her school class. A famous artist came and walked through the woods with them. They gathered sticks, nuts, leaves and moss and then created "forest sculptures". Here are the masterpieces.

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