Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bâtons et de pierres (sticks and stones)

As a child I repeated the phrase, "Bâtons et de pierres can break my bones, but words may never hurt me". I'm now trying to help my own children believe this. School teachers in France can be rather impatient. A couple of weeks ago Spencer's teacher called him an idiot. Olivia's teacher has been heard to say "shut up!" Today Clara came home and said her French language teacher told the entire class, "Vous êtes stupide!" (you are stupid). While I recognize and celebrate cultural differences this is one area we are trying to understand. A thick skin and a strong sense of self worth is priceless on days like today.


Amazed said...

I always shake my head at this old adage because it is so untrue. I have recovered from all my bumps and bruises but I still feel the sting from unkind, critical or mean spirited words. I'm glad you kiddos have you to walk them through....and that the slurs are for everyone, not just one.

elisabeth said...

i'm so glad that my teachers don't tell us those things!

natalie said...

i am glad my teachers don't say those things to me too! and clara, vous etes tres intelligents!!