Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Sunday we had a dinner invitation at Manuel's home. His wife fixed a giant paella and many other typical Spanish foods. The first course was octopus. They had a big giant bowl of octopus in a creamy sauce. Each of the kids had a respectable portion on their plates and they actually ate it (Lilly almost refused, but we talked her into two little bites). Spencer ate his right up and Manuel promptly came over and put another big portion on his plate. Spencer looked at Taylor like "what do I do now?" He was a gracious guest and he ate it along with everything else. What a kid.
Here is Maria Angelles in her kitchen stirring the rice and adding the clams, mussels, lobster, shrimp (with head & eyes attached) and octopus to the paella. She is a fabulous cook and a very funny woman. The language barrier is no problem. She spoke Spanish, we spoke English and we laughed together most of the evening.

1 comment:

natalie said...

wow, quite the food. that is hilarious spencer! no picky eaters allowed!