Wednesday, March 26, 2008

L'œuf (The Egg)

One of the great symbols of Easter and spring time is l'œuf symbolizing the empty tomb and new life. We had a lot of fun with eggs this past weekend. Friday after school the Dowel's invited us over for an egg hunt in their big back yard. Pip hid hundreds of little chocolate foil covered eggs and chickens for the gang to find. Saturday the Thomas family invited us over for an Easter egg extravaganza. The kids colored and decorated about 75 hard boiled eggs. The colors were rich and deep thanks to the brown shells. The last egg shown here is obviously a nice rich brown chocolate egg. You can find an assortment of chocolate eggs, bunnies, chickens, fish, etc. in almost every store in town.

1 comment:

natalie said...

cool! you must have had a lot of candy!