Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

They might not celebrate Valentines Day in France the way we do in the USA, but that didn't stop us from having a "red banner day!"
Lisa Pace, one of my best friends all the way back to high school days arrived today for a week long visit. While Taylor and Spencer were gone to football practice we had a great Valentine dinner with just the girls. Lisa's suitcase was packed with all kinds of candy and goodies from home. I used the assortment of candy to make a candy bar poster for each of the kids.

I tried to make mousse au chocolate for a Valentine dessert. I made two different attempts, but didn't really succeed. Luckily Taylor didn't mind. He just scooped it straight from the mixing bowl. Happy Valentines Day!


natalie said...

you kids all look so cute together in your matching red! i like the candy posters. i had so much candy today! and i was not aware that we had a lunch-in at school, but we had olive garden,and tomorrow is pizza day!! yeah!

Amazed said...

I can't wait to try to mousse recipe! Was it hard????

Steve and Steph said...

It sounds like you guys are having a blast. What an amazing experience. Just wanted to tell you hello. It is so fun to read about what is going on with your family.

Voila! said...

The mousse is tricky. I've yet to make a really good one. I had a real lesson on Monday. I'll post the specific details soon.