Friday, February 8, 2008

Déjeuner (Lunch)

Everything about today was unexpected. You will have to read my next post to get the entire story. The most pleasant unexpected event however was déjeuner at Magali's house. She called me on the cell phone and asked if I had time to stop by her house for lunch. Yes! Of course I always have time to stop by for lunch. Just give me the directions. Clara and I were treated to some real French food faire:
Croque Madame was delicious. It is a French version of a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with an egg on top. Delicious.
Eating lunch with friends was good medicine for Clara...she was headed for the dentist after this party.
The crown jewel was Magali's mousse au chocolate. This is the best chocolate mousse I have ever tasted. I forgot to get the recipe so I'll have to post it later. The stuff literally just melts in your mouth. Merci for a lovely spontaneous lunch Magali!

We couldn't stay long because we were headed to Paris for yet another dentist appointment. Magali's daughter Alysee offered to come with us so she could keep Clara company and offer comfort if she got scared. Talk about a sweet friend.


natalie said...

yum!! so that's how and why alysse went with you.

Amazed said...

I need the recipe today!!! French cooking is this Wed. and I'd LOVE to do a mousse!!!!! Please,please,please. And I remember your darling friend. She translated for us in RS and kept putting in her funny remarks!!!

Voila! said...

Marilyn, I'll get it straight away.