Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spontanée (Spontaneous)

Everything about today said "spontanée". The girls had a 1/2 day of school and we didn't have any plans. We left school with three friends and on our way home decided to walk into Fontainebleau and get some pizza for lunch. After lunch the sun was shining and it felt like spring so we stopped for ice cream bars and walked to the grand chateau to enjoy the gardens. The girls raced up and down the stairs and all around the cobblestones. Sometimes I just have to pinch myself because I love this place we are living...It's beautiful, quaint and full of priceless memories with my children.

Caroline Babbin & Clara posing at the drinking fountain - they haven't quite turned on the water yet!
Lilly & Kate Thomas...two little soccer fans eating ice cream.
Claire Dowell & Olivia - both are new to Fontainebleau this year - it's been a great experience to have friends making the same adjustments and changes at the same time!
As we were walking to the car and passing the carousel Lilly said, "I've never been for a ride on that carousel!" What? Never?! Well today was the day. All 6 girls climbed aboard and laughed their way around, never dragging their feet once to slow it down. Right now this "carousel of life" is really fun.


natalie said...

Fun! Lilly, you are so cute! Oh, I have a question. So, you know how in the church we say like Sister and Brother? In French do you say like, "Soeur Randall"? Or is it different? We have been having meetings about the D.C. trip, and I am so excited! Only 27 more days! (But who's counting?)

Voila! said...

Yes, Natalie we use Soeur and Frère. We are excited to see your pictures and hear about your adventures in D.C.