Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today all of the kids had "sport". This is the equivalent of physical education in the USA. Because the schools are limited for space everyone has to go to a different location for "sport". Spencer, Olivia and Clara walk to the INSEAD campus. It is about a 1 mile walk each direction. I guess they figure this way everyone is assured a complete workout! Lilly has "sport" at the local fire station. She has to walk about 1/2 mile each direction. I was the parent helper today. Every child wanted my help getting their shoes on and off. They all had a lot to say to me, but I felt practically mute in my response. Once at the fire station the kids go into a big old gym. This is where the firemen play basketball and do gymnastics. The kids line up and do a series of stretches and then they run around the gym one time. The teachers divide the children into groups and then they take turns doing various activities: Jumping on the mats, climbing wall ladders and jumping through hula hoops. Everything is done "IN LINE". No wonder these kids come home tired after a day of "sport".

Lilly has been a pretty good sport herself this week. She seems to be the one who struggles the most with our move. This afternoon on the way home from school she said, "I think now that I know what France looks like I'm ready to go back home to Salt Lake." We are all hoping she changes her mind so we can continue to see more of this beautiful place.

1 comment:

natalie said...

how often do you guys have sport? we only have p.e. twice a week. of course, the guys get it every day... we're ready for you guys to come home too, lilly!