Thursday, May 22, 2008

lèche-vitrines (window shopping)

Paris is fun no matter what. It's even more fun when you are with a bunch of friends and you don't have an agenda. Today Tracie Boyer, Tifiny Reed, Tracey Thomas and I roamed the streets, soaked in the sights and ate lots of tasty treats. Before lunch we shared ice cream from Berthillon. We thought we might go to a museum or two, but instead we ended up lèche-vitrines - this phrase in French actually means "licking the windows"...Kind of like window want to buy, but you don' just stand at the window and drool.

I need to note here that Tracie Boyer (on the right) is the first friend I met in France. We had only been here one day. We were standing in line at the Carrefour jet lagged and shell shocked. Tracie was in line ahead of us and when she heard us speaking English she said hello and introduced herself. After a small conversation we learned that our kids were going to the same international school. We exchanged numbers and the next day she telephoned to invite us to a picnic in the forest. Talk about stretching out the hand of friendship.

We fond this sign hilarious, especially on a day when lots of things were on strike!

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